SHINee成員珉豪(MINHO)將首次以個人身份登上台灣演唱會舞台!這是他出道以來的首次個人演唱會巡演,繼11月底在首爾連開2場演唱會引發熱烈迴響後,海外巡演的第一站將來到高雄,於 2025年1月25日(六)在高雄流行音樂中心舉辦。
因珉豪如火花般閃耀的強烈舞台魅力,所以擁有「火花克里斯馬」的稱號。他的表演如同火花般熱烈奔放,舞台上向來全力以赴的他,總是用活力與激情點燃閃窩(SHINee WORLD,官方粉絲名稱)的熱情。此次演唱會不僅是一場視覺與聽覺的饗宴,更是珉豪睽違近2年與台灣閃窩的相見!
今年11月4日以首張SOLO正規專輯《CALL BACK》回歸,同名主打歌《CALL BACK》是首抒情中融入強烈鋼琴旋律、充滿歡快而明亮的R&B流行歌曲;此張專輯也充分展現出珉豪多樣性的音樂色彩。此次個人演唱會,珉豪也將演繹新專輯中的多首歌曲,快接起珉豪的CALL BACK,與珉豪一起在高雄流行音樂中心燃燒吧❤🔥
售票區域變更公告 :
⚠️ Attention ⚠️
In order to ensure the best stage effects and presentation, the sale of tickets for sections 2nd floor A/E and some seats on the 3rd floor will not be available for now. If these areas are reopened after adjustments, we will notify you separately. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
🔥演出時間:2025.01.25 (六) 18:00(實際演出時間以現場公告為準)
🔥演出地點:高雄流行音樂中心 海音館
🔥票價:(全場實名制) VIP座位特區NT $6,800;看台座位區NT $5,800 / 4,800 / 3,800 / 2,400(身心障礙席);各票價相對應福利,還請參見下方附圖
Fanclub Pre-sale:2024.12.25 (三) 12:00 – 17:00 SHINee WORLD官方會員(GL)預購
General sale:2024.12.28 (六) 12:00 KKTIX售票系統正式開賣
(例: 若您在SHINee WORLD官方會員(GL)預購階段已經購買2張票券,您在正式開賣就只能再購買2張。)
⚠️SHINee WORLD官方會員(GL)預購時,需輸入SHINee WORLD官方會員(GL)的「Membership Number」才能進行優先購票,請於Weverse公告時間內進行登記。登記成功者方可參與會員優先購票; Weverse登記成功並不代表完成購票。
1. 抽選資格為所有於2025年01月12日 (日) 23:59 前完成購票付款且無退票之持票者。抽選結果將於演出前公告於「開麗娛樂」官方社群。
2. 粉絲福利將為不重複抽選。
3. 簽名拍立得現場隨機發放,不得挑選與更換。
4. 抽選機制 : 福利抽選過程皆為系統隨機抽選。
⚠️請注意VIP A、VIP D、看台A區和E區靠外側座位及鄰近控台座位有可能因最終舞台設計而無法完整看到舞台視覺效果,請確認無疑慮之後再行購票,謝謝。
🔥Date: 2025.01.25 (SAT) 18:00 (Actual performance time based on on-site situation)
🔥Price: VIP SEATS: NT $6,800;BALCONY SEATS: NT $5,800 / 4,800 / 3,800 / 2,400(Disabled tickets);Please refer to the attached image below for the benefits corresponding to each ticket price.
🔥Ticket Open:
Fanclub Pre-sale: 2024.12.25 (WED) 12:00 – 17:00
General sale: 2024.12.28 (SAT) 12:00 @ KKTIX
🔥 Ticket Purchase Method: KKTIX Website
🔥 Organizer: Carrier Entertainment
⚠️ Real-name registration is required. Credit cards only. Tickets are available for purchase only on the KKTIX website. During the ticket purchase process, you will need to enter your “Name,” “Mobile Number,” and “ID Number” (Overseas audience should enter their passport number). Please ensure that the information for each ticket holder is entered correctly, and make sure to double-check the details before submitting. For more information on real-name registration, please refer to the ticketing website’s instructions.
⚠️ MEMBERSHIP Presale max 2 tickets ,total max 4 tickets per person per show. (Including MEMBERSHIP Presale and General Sale)
(Ex.: If you have purchased 2 tickets during the SHINee WORLD Membership(GL) Presale, then you can ONLY purchase 2 more tickets during the General sale.)
⚠️ During the SHINee WORLD official membership (GL) presale, you must enter your SHINee WORLD official membership (GL) “Membership Number” to access the priority ticket purchase. Please complete the registration within the Weverse announcement period. Only those who successfully register will be eligible for the member-exclusive presale. Please note that successful registration on Weverse does not guarantee ticket purchase.
⚠️ Tickets will be available for pickup 5 days before the event. For detailed instructions, please refer to the ticketing website. The event will have assigned seating, with one ticket per person. Please sit according to the seat number indicated on your ticket.
⚠️ Please be sure to read the event-related rules and procedures on the official Carrier Entertainment social media channels before the performance to avoid compromising your rights. The welfare activity will follow the check-in time announced prior to the event. Late arrivals will be deemed as forfeiting their rights, and the organizer reserves the right to refuse entry to those who do not complete the check-in process within the specified time. No refunds will be given.
⚠️Fan Benefits Guidelines:
1. Eligibility for the lottery is limited to ticket holders who have completed payment by 11:59 PM on Sunday, January 12, 2025, and have not requested a refund. The lottery results will be announced on the official ” Carrier Entertainment ” social media platforms prior to the event.
2. Fan benefits will not be awarded to the same individual more than once.
3. Autographed Polaroids will be distributed randomly on-site, and cannot be selected or exchanged.
4. Lottery mechanism: All fan benefit winners will be selected randomly by the system.
⚠️ Please note that seats in VIP A, VIP D, Section A and Section E of the stands (near the outer edges), as well as seats near the control booth, may have obstructed views of the stage due to the final stage design. Please confirm that you have no concerns before purchasing tickets. Thank you.
⚠️ The organizer reserves the right to change the content of the above activities.